Vente: 500 / Evening Sale 17 juillet 2020 à Munich Lot 272

Arnulf Rainer
Fingermalerei - Kreuzübermalung, 1987.
Mixed media over photo board collaged on honeyc...
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 93,750 / $ 103,125

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Fingermalerei - Kreuzübermalung. 1987.
Mixed media over photo board collaged on honeycomb core panel.
151 x 80 cm (59.4 x 31.4 in). [SM].

• Overpainting is the key principle of his art
• Arnulf Rainer is one of the most significant contemporary Austrian artists
• 'Kreuzübermalungen' (Corss Overpaintings) count among his most sought-after works
• Impressive format
• Arnulf Rainer is a self-taught artist, after just a few days he left the Vienna academy because of an artistic controversy

Accompanied by a photo expertise issued by the artist on April 7, 2018.

PROVENANCE: Galerie m, Bochum.
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia (since 2011, acquired from aforementioned).

"The cross has become my basic figure. I just can't think of anything else that challenges me and makes me angry and so hard working, which is why I keep going back to it." Arnulf Rainer, quote from: Friedhelm Mennekes - Das Kreuz als Realpräsenz in: Johannes Röhrig, Arnulf Rainer - Kreuz-Weisen, Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Cologne, Cologne 1992, p. 12.

Arnulf Rainer
Fingermalerei - Kreuzübermalung, 1987.
Mixed media over photo board collaged on honeyc...
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 93,750 / $ 103,125

( frais d'adjudication compris)