Vente: 415 / Modern Art 06 juin 2014 à Munich Lot 206

Hans Reichel
Ohne Titel, Wohl 1924.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Ohne Titel. Wohl 1924.
Watercolor and India ink.
On creme paper, laminated on board, laid on backing board. 8,5 x 8,3 cm (3,3 x 3,2 in). Backing board: 25 x 25 cm (9,8 x 9,8 in).
Other than specified in the catalog, this lot number may also be subject to differential taxation + 7% import turnover tax (savings of 5% in comparison with regular taxation).
We are grateful to Dr. h.c. Andreas Hüneke, Potsdam, for his expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Editions Claude Givaudan, Geneva.
Private collection (acquired from previously mentioned in 1980).

The soft poetry of Hans Reichel's abstract compositions unfolds through a balanced arrangement of line and color. Vibrations and sound correspond with one another, just like in a musical intermezzo. The deep friendship with Klee has left traces in Reichel's works, however, Klee's intellectually projected irony can not be found in Reichel's art. Reichel forms moods and impressions in colors and thus creates an overall optical effect, which, for its hovering poetry, evokes an upright feeling. Reichel's striking pictorial worlds reflect on dreams that bare a secret waiting to be revealed.

Hans Reichel
Ohne Titel, Wohl 1924.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)