Vente: 328 / Rare Books 19/20. novembre 2007 à Hambourg Lot 174

Hermann Boerhaave - Elementa chemiae, 2 Bde. 1912

Hermann Boerhaave
Elementa chemiae, 2 Bde. 1912
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,680 / $ 1,848

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Boerhaave, H., Elementa chemiae, quae anniversario labore docuit ... 2 Bde. Mit gest. Titelvignette (wdh.) und 17 Kupfertafeln. Leiden, I. Severinus 1732. Hellbraune geglättete HLdr.-Einbände des frühen 19. Jhs. mit RVerg. 4to. 6 Bll., 896 S.; 2 Bll., 538 S., 44 Bll. (Index), 1 w. Bl.
Lindeboom 450. - Ferguson I, 112. - Duveen S. 84. - Bolton S. 322. - Cole 164. - Ferchl S. 53. - Neu 512. - Erste Ausgabe des wichtigsten und einflußreichsten Chemielehrbuchs seiner Zeit, erschien gleichzeitig an vier verschiedenen Orten (Leiden, Leipzig, London und Paris). Die vorlieg. autorisierte erste Ausgabe bei Severinus wurde von Boerhaave auf dem Titel vo. signiert. - "The first and best edition, and rare. The work opens with one of earliest attempts at a history of chemistry." (Duveen) - "Vol. I begins with a brief history of chemistry, including an account of chemistry, including an account of the principal authors. The remainder of the volume treats the theory, beginning with the chief substances: mineral, vegetable and animal. Under mineral (fossil) substances metals, salts, sulphurs, stones and semi-metals are discussed. Instruments, the bodies by which changes are effected, are the treated in detail. The instruments include fire, air, water, earth, menstruums and chemical utensils. Vol. II contains the practice in which the operations are demonstrated. The volume contains some 227 experiments which were demonstrated during the lectures. The book was important and popular, as shown as by the numerous editions and translations. It supplied a clear, complete and orderly treatment of the best of chemistry at the time, contributing to its establishment as an independent science" (Cole). - Fehlt der Index zum ersten Band. Tafeln knapp beschnitten, Kanten etw. berieben. Ansonsten gutes Exemplar mit gekröntem Wappenexlibris des 19. Jahrhunderts.
The most important and influential chemistry book of its time. - First edition, authorized and signed by the author on the back of the title. 2 engr. title vignettes (repeated), 17 copperplates. Contemp. half calf. - Index of vol. I missing. Partly somewhat browned, plates cropped close on fore edge and tail margin (mostly inside plate mark). Binding somewhat rubbed and bumped,1 outer joint torn.

Hermann Boerhaave
Elementa chemiae, 2 Bde. 1912
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 1,680 / $ 1,848

( frais d'adjudication compris)