Vente: 334 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century/ Marine Ar 05 avril 2008 à Hambourg Lot 1276

Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione - Kleine Kopfstudien mit orientalischem Kopfschmuck

Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
Kleine Kopfstudien mit orientalischem Kopfschmuck, 1645.
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850
€ 3,600 / $ 3,960

( frais d'adjudication compris)

Kleine Kopfstudien mit orientalischem Kopfschmuck. 1645-50.
Set of 12 ll. Etchings.
Bartsch 32-47. Le Blanc 34-49. All signed, monogrammed and inscribed. Excellent impressions on laid paper, partly rich in contrast (some with truncated watermark, presumably "Pro patria"). cm ( in)Each ca. 10,9 x 7,9 cm (4,2 x 3,1 in), size of sheet Castiglione's etchings belong to the most valuable and finest works of the Italian Seicento. The complete set of imaginary heads show imitations of Rembrandt's chiaroscuro, using regular, soft hachures, that meld to dense and yet transparent tones. At the same time Castiglione's works are independent and genuine in terms of compositions and creative regarding the effect of the illumination.


Very nice overall impression. B. 40 and 47 with traces of printer's ink in the margin of the image, B. 40 with minimal surface rubbings and traces of paper pulp. [HT]

Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
Kleine Kopfstudien mit orientalischem Kopfschmuck, 1645.
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850
€ 3,600 / $ 3,960

( frais d'adjudication compris)