Vente: 348 / Rare Books 17/18. novembre 2008 à Hambourg Lot 11

Michael de Carcano - Quadragesimale, Venedig, 1487.

Michael de Carcano
Quadragesimale, Venedig, 1487.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,520 / $ 6,072

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Carcano, M. de, Sermoniarum de poenitentia per adventum et quadragesimam. With 1 large splendid initial in gold and colours, with tendril border and numerous drawn in lombardes in red and blue. Venice, Nikolaus von Frankfurt, 11 December 1487. New vellum using an old manuscript of music notes. 4to. 2 non-numb., 221 numb. ll. (lacking the last blank). Gothic type. 2 cols. Rubricated all the way through.
GW 6131. - Hain/Cop. 4506. - Goff C 196. - BMC V, 336. - BSB C-145. - Polain 1008. - Editio princeps of the treatise by the then famous Franciscan preacher Michael de Carcano (died around 1490). - Pretty Venetian print by Nikolaus von Frankfurt, whose gothic type "eine stark ausgeprägte Eigenart besessen hat, so daß man ihren Einfluß auch dann erkennt, wenn er sich an weit entlegenen Punkten bemerkbar macht" [transl.:"strongly expressed its own character, so that its influence can even be seen on the most remote points".] (Haebler, Dt. Buchdr. d. 15. Jhs. im Auslande p. 105). - First 2 ll. with small defective spot in the white margin (ink holes), else very nice and clean copy with elaborately made lombards. A vellum leaf with contemp. entries bound before.
First edition. Fine printing in with large initial in gold and colours and numerous red or blue painted lombards. Gothic type, 2 columns, rubricated throughout. Mod. vellum using an early antiphonal. - Lacking last blank. First 2 leaves with small defective spot by inkstain in the white margin. Fine and clean copy. Bound before a vellum leaf with contemp. entries.

Michael de Carcano
Quadragesimale, Venedig, 1487.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,520 / $ 6,072

( frais d'adjudication compris)