Vente: 348 / Rare Books 17/18. novembre 2008 à Hambourg Lot 169

Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam - Familiarium colloquiorum. 1538 (18)

Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam
Familiarium colloquiorum. 1538 (18)
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 384 / $ 422

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Erasmus von Rotterdam, D., Familiarum colloquiorum ... ab autore postremum diligenter recognitum ... With woodcut printer's device on title. Cologne, Joh. Gymnich 1538. 17th century vellum, using an old music notes manuscript, with giltstamped armorial centrepiece of Friedrich I. von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (gekröntes "F", RDeckel Wappen). 8vo. 766 pp., 1 l.
VD 16, E 2386. - Bezzel 490. - Not in Vander Haeghen. - Erasmus' Colloquia (conversations), besides the Encomium Moriae (laud of foolery) his best-known work, first published in 1518. - Few ll. with traces of damp at the end (3 ll. enforced in the margin, last l. mounted), title with contemp. entries and partly rebacked. Endpapers renewed, covering at 1 joint partly torn.
With woodcut printer's device on title. Later vellum (using an early manuscript with notes) with gilt armorial centrepiece (duke of Saxony). - Few leaves at end stained by damp (3 ll. strengthened at margin, last leaf mounted), title with contemp. entries and partly backed. Endpapers renewed, covering at 1 joint partly torn.

Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam
Familiarium colloquiorum. 1538 (18)
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 384 / $ 422

( frais d'adjudication compris)