Vente: 348 / Rare Books 17/18. novembre 2008 à Hambourg Lot 1419

Calcografia di belle statue antiche - Calcografia di belle Statue Antiche, 1779.

Calcografia di belle statue antiche
Calcografia di belle Statue Antiche, 1779.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 300 / $ 330

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Calcografia di belle statue antiche, che veggonsi ancora a Roma nei palazzi, nelle ville e ne' musei di questa superba citta. [Vol. I (of 2)]. Engr. title and 48 copper plates. Rome, G. B. Cannetti for G. Quojani 1779. Contemp. half calf. Oblong small 4to. 1 l. plate index.
Not in Ornamentstich-Slg. Berlin and the UCBA. - Rare first edition with engravings after ancient sculptures from various Roman museums and villas, among them Apoll and Pan from the Villa Medici, Apoll from the Villa Borghese, various Diana sculptures from the Capitol and the Villa Albani, flora and fauna statues from the Pallazzo Farnese, the Capitol, the villas Medici and Borghese and others. - Minimally stained, only in the white margins (index l. somewhat stronger), the plates mostly with numbering corrected by an early hand. Binding rubbed.

Calcografia di belle statue antiche
Calcografia di belle Statue Antiche, 1779.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 300 / $ 330

( frais d'adjudication compris)