Vente: 385 / Rare Books 21 novembre 2011 à Hambourg Lot 446

Alexander Benedictus - Collectiones medicinae. 1495. (C25)

Alexander Benedictus
Collectiones medicinae. 1495. (C25)
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 3,360 / $ 3,696

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Alexander Benedictus, Collectiones medicinae. With blue and red lombards drawn in. [Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, around 1493]. 19th century morocco with gilt tooling (edges rubbed in places, front board almost detached). 4to. 8 ll. Roman type. 41 lines.

GW 862. - Hain 806. - Goff A 388. - BMC V, 344. - BSB B-275. - Klebs 171.1. - No copy in JAP and in ABPC. - Only incunabel edition of this collection of small writings by the physician and chronicer Allesandro Benedetti (died 1525), author of a renowned work on the plague (Venice 1493). - Margins foxed, else fine printing with nice lombards and annotated throughout by contemp. hand.

Only edition in 15th century, rare. With lombards in red or blue. 19th cent. gilt morocco (edges partly rubbed, front board detached). - Margins foxed, else fine printing with nice lombards and annotated throughout by contemp. hand.

Alexander Benedictus
Collectiones medicinae. 1495. (C25)
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 3,360 / $ 3,696

( frais d'adjudication compris)