Vente: 391 / Rare Books 21 mai 2012 à Hambourg Lot 20

Alvaro Alonso Barba - Docimasie. Schmelz-Kunst. 1767.

Alvaro Alonso Barba
Docimasie. Schmelz-Kunst. 1767.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 576 / $ 633

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Barba, A. A., Docimasie oder Probir- und Schmelzkunst, darinnen besonders von der Röst- Schmelz- und Scheidekunst, wie auch den hierzu erforderlichen Oefen gehandelt wird. Aus dem Französischen in das Teutsche übersetzt; und einem Anhang, wie man die nothwendige Salia, das Erz zu schmelzen, und die Metalle zu scheiden, machen und zurichten voll, vermehret. With engr. folding frontispiece and 7 folding copperplates . Vienna, J. P. Krauss 1767. Contemp. half vellum. 8vo. 4 ll., 165 pp., 5 ll. - Bound in: Helvetius, J. Fr., Vitulus aureus .. oder: Ein sehr curiöses Tractätlein in welchem das rare und wundersame Werk der Natur in Verwandlung derer Metallen-Historien ausgeführt wird. With engr. frontispiece . Frankfurt and Leipzig, J. G. Esslinger 1767. 80 pp.

I. Palau 23637. - Sabin 3255 c. - Ferguson I, 70 notes. - Cf. Norman II, 269. - I Fifth edition of the work published in several languages and editions. - Barbas' report El arte de les metales was first released in 1640, "it was the first significant treatise on metals be written in Spanish, and the only 17th century work on its subject that was largely original. He also provided an excellent description of his newly invented process of treating silver ore by amalgamation" (Norman). - II. Ferguson I, 384. - Kopp I, 83ff. - Schmieder pp. 422ff. - Cf. Duveen p. 287. - First published in Latin in 1667, "one of the most important alchemical books, as it contains a (seemingly) very convincing account of a transmutation, which is still believed in by many at the present day" (Duveen). - Frontispiece shows a golden coin made in experiments described in the book. - Both works with waterstains in places. Binding slightly stained.

Alvaro Alonso Barba
Docimasie. Schmelz-Kunst. 1767.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 576 / $ 633

( frais d'adjudication compris)