Vente: 533 / Modern Art Day Sale and Gerlinger Collection 10 décembre 2022 à Munich Lot 498

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Anhänger (mit zwei ligierten "E"), Um 1913.
Bernstein, geschnitten, ungefasst, für Aufh&a
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 12,500 / $ 13,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Anhänger (mit zwei ligierten "E"). Um 1913.
Bernstein, geschnitten, ungefasst, für Aufhängung zweifach durchbohrt.
Wietek 391. 8.1 x 4.2 x 1.1 cm (3.1 x 1.6 x 0.4 in).
• Among the "Brücke" artists, Schmidt-Rottluff creates the most extensive and diverse body of jewelry.
• The amber pendants go back to his finds on the coast of Nida.
• His jewelry pieces are characterized by their unconventional and artistic handling of material, technique and form, and thus bring forth an aesthetic of their own.
• The artist's jewelry pieces are individual gems, often made especially for a close circle of collectors, friends and family.
• In a fascinating way, the pieces combine characteristic concepts of form from the artists' work between jewelry, collector's item and commodity.
• From the artist's rarest work group on the auction market (source:

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.
Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Würzburg.

EXHIBITION: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff-Gemälde: Aquarelle, Grafik, Bernstein, Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Königsberg/Kunstverein Königsberg, Königsberg 1928.
Plastik und Kunsthandwerk von Malern des deutschen Expressionismus, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig, August 28 - Ocotber 2, 1960; Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, October 14 - November 13, 1960, cat. no. 322.
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: Das nachgelassene Werk seit den 20er Jahren. Malerei, Plastik, Kunsthandwerk, Brücke-Museum, Berlin, August 20, 1977 - January 15, 1978, cat. no. 146.
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: Aquarelle, Farbstiftzeichnungen, Schmuck, Kunstverein Paderborn 1982, cat. no. 6.
Die Deutsche Werkbund-Ausstellung Cöln 1914, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, March 24 - May 13, 1984, p. 349.
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 1995-2001).
Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle an der Saale (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2001-2017).
Nur für ihre Frauen. Schmuck von Karl-Schmidt-Rottluff, Emil Nolde, Erich Heckel und Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Stiftung Moritzburg, Kunstmuseum des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), October 26, 2003 - January 11, 2004, no. 15 (with illu.).
Buchheim Museum, Bernried (permanent loan from the Collection Hermann Gerlinger, 2017-2022).
Schmidt-Rottluff. Form, Farbe, Ausdruck!, Buchheim Museum, Bernried, September 29, 2018 - February 3, 2019, p. 183 (with illu.).

LITERATURE: Wilhelm R. Valentiner, Schmidt-Rottluff, Junge Kunst, vol. 16, Leipzig 1920.
Max Sauerlandt, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff – Ausstellung im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, in: Hamburger Fremdenblatt, Rundschau im Bilde, June 11, 1925. Reprinted in: Gerhard Wietek, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Plastik und Kunsthandwerk. Werkverzeichnis, Munich 2001, pp. 151-154.
Gerhard Wietek, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: Bilder aus Nidden, Stuttgart 1963, p. 12 (with illu. 2, 4).
Gerhard Wietek, Schmidt-Rottluff. Oldenburger Jahre 1907-1912, published by Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg, Oldenburg 1994, no. 276 (with illu.).
Heinz Spielmann (ed.), Die Maler der Brücke. Sammlung Hermann Gerlinger, Stuttgart 1995, p. 227, SHG no. 311 (with illu.).
Gerhard Wietek, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Werkverzeichnis der Plastik und des Kunsthandwerks, Munich 2001, no. 391 (with illu.).
Hermann Gerlinger, Katja Schneider (eds.), Die Maler der Brücke. Inventory catalog Collection Hermann Gerlinger, Halle (Saale) 2005, p. 61, SHG no. 106 (with illu.).
Hermann Gerlinger, Schmidt-Rottluff und das große "E", in: idem, Daniel J. Schreiber (ed.), Schmidt-Rottluff. Form, Farbe, Ausdruck!, ex. cat. Buchheim Museum Bernried, Bernried 2018, pp. 36-41, illu. on p. 37.

This pendant made of natural amber also belongs to Schmidt-Rottluff's amber finds from Nida, while its plastic processing possibly took place somewhat later. The stone is broken and glued in the middle - perhaps this is the reason why it lost its hanger. Schmidt-Rottluff has carved a raised relief out of the large, opaque amber, with hues of a deep brown and a light honey yellow. The surface is not smoothed, its porous structure remains a key design element. The monogram nestles into the curved overall shape of the amber. Whether it is the two ligatured letters "EF" or just an "E" is difficult to identify. In any case, they are the initials of Emy Frisch, his later wife. The pendant dates from a time when their relationship became more serious, so it has a special significance as one of the first gifts. In 1914 Schmidt-Rottluff also designed headbows and visiting cards for Emy Frisch's photographic workshop, and after the end of the war he presented her with an ebony pendant with ligatured, geometrical ornamental initials, and in the 1950s with a corresponding pendant cut in ivory. With these gifts, Hermann Gerlinger was able to add several very personal objects of the artist to his collection (Gerlinger, Schmidt-Rottluff und das große "E", in ex. cat. Bernried 2018, pp. 36-41).
Almost all of Schmidt-Rottluff's jewelry pieces were made as gifts or were purchased for the wives of friends, collectors, and patrons. Thus, they mainly have a private background and were only occasionally shown in exhibitions. For the first time in 1912, a few pieces were shown in the arts and crafts section of the Cologne Sonderbund Exhibition, in 1925 Max Sauerlandt showed jewelry and sculpture by Schmidt-Rottluff at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, and in 1928 his former assistant Alfred Rohde integrated amber works into a special exhibition at the Königsberg Palace.
Dr. Katja Schneider

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Anhänger (mit zwei ligierten "E"), Um 1913.
Bernstein, geschnitten, ungefasst, für Aufh&a
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 12,500 / $ 13,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)