Vente: 483 / Rare Books online only 28 mai 2019 Lot 581

Kaldewey Press
Light Years, 1996.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 76 / $ 83

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Gunnar A. Kaldewey
Light Years. New York, Kaldewey Press 1996.

1 von 45 Exemplaren dieser bibliophilen Hommage an die faszinierenden Erkenntnisse der modernen Astronomie.

Kaldewey Press Bd. 12. - 1 von 45 numerierten Exemplaren, im Druckvermerk vom Verleger signiert sowie mit eigenhändiger Widmung "for my dear friend Elaine", datiert 28. Februar 1996. - Sehr schöner und farbkräftiger Druck der Kaldewey Press. - "The beauty of the photographs taken by the Hubble Telescope inspired Kaldewey to draw upon them for a series of double-spread collages to accompany descriptions of our changing conceptions of the universe. Printed from metal cuts in a rich range of colors on large, damp sheets, the collages take on the appearance of etchings. They allow the reader's fantasy to take flight as he contemplates texts touching on such imponderables as the drifting of 50 billion galaxies or the existence of 43 other solar systems that resemble our own. The anchoring of the cosmos by the activity of the mind is reflected in further pages studded with the names of the stars of the Northern and Southern hemispheres." (Dubansky/Strauss S. 12)

EINBAND: Lose Bogen in Orig.-Umschlag, in Orig.-Pappdecke und -Schuber. 45 : 34 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 8 doppelblattgroßen farbigen Orig.-Metallschnitten.

LITERATUR: Von Lucius 93. - Dubansky/Strauss S. 113.

A bibliophilic homage to the fascinating findings of modern astronomy. Loose sheets in orig. wrappers, in orig. boards and slipcase. With 8 double-page orig. color metalcuts.

Kaldewey Press
Light Years, 1996.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 76 / $ 83

( frais d'adjudication compris)