Vente: 550 / Evening Sale 07 juin 2024 à Munich Lot 13

Günther Uecker
Ohne Titel (Baum), 2006.
Nails, ashes and glue on Wood trunk
Estimation: € 100,000 / $ 105,000
Ohne Titel (Baum). 2006.
Nails, ashes and glue on Wood trunk.
Signed and dated on the trunk. Height: 133 cm (52.3 in).

• Particularly impressive and densely nailed tree.
• For the first time offered on the international auction market.
• The nail symbolizes the vulnerability of nature and mankind

This work is registered in the Uecker Archiv under the number GU.06.003 and has been earmarked for inclusion in the forthcoming Uecker Catalogue Raisonné.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Walter Storms, Munich.
Private collection Southern Germany (since 2007, acquired from the above).

“Günther Uecker's art comes from direct experience. It feeds on alert contemporaneity, on sympathy, on participation, on walking along, on understanding.”
Friedhelm Menekkes, quoted from: Günther Uecker. Zwanzig Kapitel, 2005, p. 31.

Called up: June 7, 2024 - ca. 17.24 h +/- 20 min.

Günther Uecker is a constant commentator on the problems of the world and an unwavering fighter for understanding and change. He confronts things that bother him with openness and responds in his artistic language. With his "Trees" and "Forests", he addresses the theme of the vulnerability of man and nature. Under the title "Kunstpranger" (Art Pillory), he created his first tree sculpture in 1983 by nailing an elm tree at Galerie Brusten in Wuppertal. The idea was born in the fall of 1983 when Annelie Brusten happened to notice the forest workers in the park marking the 80-year-old elm tree. She learned that the ill tree was to be cut down and burned. Annelie Brusten brought the already well-known "ZERO" artist and art academy professor to Wuppertal. In his speech at the opening reception of the exhibition, Uecker decried the destruction of nature by man and declared the nails to be the "armor" with which he has "scaffolded the tree, made it strong". Further works, most of the multi-part creations, followed. The first “Nail Forest” from 1984 is at the Nationalgalerie in Berlin today. What all these works have in common is that Uecker equipped the sometimes smaller, sometimes larger tree trunks with a defensive crown of carpenter's nails and used a healing ointment consisting of ash and glue to close the tree's wounds. In the series of "Trees" or "Nail Forests", Uecker follows the basic principle of his artistic work, the theme of the fragile relationship between man and nature and the destruction of the foundations of human existence. [SM]

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Prix d’adjudication jusqu’à 800 000 euros : frais de vente 32 %.
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Prix d'adjudication jusqu'à 800 000 € : 27 % de commission majorée de la TVA légale
Prix d'adjudication supérieur à 800 000 € : montants partiels jusqu'à 800 000 € 27 % de commission, montants partiels supérieurs à 800 000 € : 21 % de commission, à chaque fois majorés de la TVA légale.
Prix d'adjudication supérieur à 4.000 000 € : montants partiels supérieurs à 4.000 000 € : 15 % de commission, à chaque fois majorés de la TVA légale.

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4 pour cent pour la part du produit de la vente à partir de 400,00 euros et jusqu’à 50 000 euros,
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0,5 pour cent supplémentaire pour la part entre 350 000,01 et 500 000 euros et
0,25 pour cent supplémentaire pour la part au-delà de 500 000 euros.
Le total de la rémunération au titre du droit de suite pour une revente s’élève au maximum à 12 500 euros.