Vente: 385 / Rare Books 21 novembre 2011 à Hambourg Lot 538

Philipp Buonanni - Recreatio Mentis, 1684

Philipp Buonanni
Recreatio Mentis, 1684
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500
€ 5,400 / $ 5,940

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Buonanni, Ph., Recreatio mentis, et oculi in observatione animalium testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus .. nunc denuo ab eodem Latine oblata, centum additis testaceorum iconibus .. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. With 2 colored copper titles , 3 colored engr. half titles as well as 140 colored copper plates . Rome, Varesius 1684. Contemp. calf with label and
gilt spine. 4to. 8 ll., 270 pp., 8 ll. (last 3 blank).

Nissen 754 und II, 127. - Agassiz I, 352, 3. - DSB II, 591. - Zachert/Zeidler I, 289. - Cf. Poggendorff I, 341. - First Latin edition. - Lavishly made collection catalog, the first entirely dedicated to snails and mussels. In comparison with the Italian original edition from 1681 increased by numerous figures. - "In his Recreazione .. a work valuable for its many illustrations of shells, he explicitly affirmed his belief in the spontaneous generation of mollusks and rekindled the controversy over generation that had flared in 1671 between Kircher and Freancesco Redi" (DSB). - Some browning to few plates, first text leaves and last 13 plates sightly waterstained, text with numerous marginalia by old hand, 1 leaf with small damage, engr. title cropped close in the head and foot margin. - From the libraries of J. M. W. Baumann, Gralathiana and Kleiniana with 3 engr. ex libris (1 scraped). - Altogether a fine and nearly stainless copy.

First Latin edition of the first book dealing exclusively with shells. The first Italian edition was released in 1681 and the Latin edition was increased by some hundred new figures. With 2 col. engr. titles, 3 col. engr. subtitels and 140 col. copperplates. Contemp. calf, spine and binding renewed, using the orig. material. - Some browning to few plates, first text leaves and last 13 plates sightly waterstained, text with numerous marginalia by old hand, 1 leaf with small damage, engr. title cropped close in the head and foot margin. - From the libraries of J. M. W. Baumann, Gralathiana and Kleiniana with 3 engr. ex libris (1 scraped). - Altogether a fine and nearly stainless copy.

Philipp Buonanni
Recreatio Mentis, 1684
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500
€ 5,400 / $ 5,940

( frais d'adjudication compris)