Vente: 391 / Rare Books 21 mai 2012 à Hambourg Lot 55

Walther Hermann Ryff - Confectbuch unnd Hausz Apoteck. 1578.

Walther Hermann Ryff
Confectbuch unnd Hausz Apoteck. 1578.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,280 / $ 2,508

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Ryff, W. H., Confect buch unnd Hausz Apoteck, Künstlich zubereiten, einmachen und gebrauchen .. With 59 woodcuts in the text after J. Amman . Frankfurt, Chr. Egenolff Erben für A. Lonicer, J. Cnipij and P. Steinmeyer 1578. Contemp. blindtooled calf over wooden boards (dated 1579 and monogrammed "N. S."), with 2 center panels (savior and fall of mankind) and 2 brass clasps. 8vo. 336 (of 344) ll., 7 unnumb. ll.

VD 16, R 3936. - Benzing, Ryff 144. - Weiss 3297 notes. - Ferchl p. 462. - Cf. Durling 4015, Horn/Arndt 88 and Bitting p. 412 (other edition). - One of the 16th century's most popular cook books, published in numerous editions, this is the 9th edition. First edition from 1544, the 'Confectbuch' had been released as early as in 1540 as part I of the small German pharmacy 'Wahrhaftige, künstliche, gerechte Unterweisung .. Alle Latwergen, Konfekt, Konserven' . - Woodcuts by J. Amman showing a pharmacy as well as herbs and tools. - Title in red and black. - 8 ll. (ll. 249-256) misbound, lacking quire f (ll. 225-232). - 1 l. with longer marginal tear, title with old ownership entry. Spine discolored, edges and joints scraped as well as with stronger wormtracks, upper spine end chipped. Copy all in all with hardly any stains.

9th edition, one of the most popular cookbooks of 16th century, published in numerous editions. With 59 woodcuts of J. Amman (of 59). Contemp. blindstemped calf over wooden boards (dat. 1579 and with monogr. "N. S."), with 2 pannels (Salvator and fall of mankind) and 2 brass clasps. - Leaves 249-256 misbound, lacking quire f (ll. 225-232). 1 leaf with longer marginal tear, title with ownership entry. Spine faded, edges and joints scraped and with wormholes, head of spine with defective spot. Altogether nearly stainless copy.

Walther Hermann Ryff
Confectbuch unnd Hausz Apoteck. 1578.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,280 / $ 2,508

( frais d'adjudication compris)