Vente: 518 / Art of the 19th Century 17 juin 2021 à Munich Lot 40

Hans Thoma
Flora, 1882.
Oil on paper, laid on canvas
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Flora. 1882.
Oil on paper, laid on canvas.
Lower right monogrammed and dated. Verso of the stretcher with an old numbered label. 113 x 62 cm (44.4 x 24.4 in).

• The artist's homage to his wife, the flower painter Bonicella "Cella" Thoma
• Notable provenance, with Henry Thode, patron of Hans Thoma and Arnold Böcklin and director of the Städelsche Kunstinstitut Frankfurt 1889, as previous owner
• Very personal and important motif which the artist rendered in several different variants

We are grateful to Dr. Mathias Listl, Kunsthalle Mannheim, and Dr. Tessa Rosebrock, Kunstmuseum Basel, for their kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Collection Henry Thode, Heidelberg (1909, until 1920 the latest).
Collection Hermann Weiß, Landau (from August 1933 the latest until at least September 1937).
Collection Georg Wambsganß, Mannheim (at least from May 1939 until 1943).).
Privat collection Mannheim (family-owned for three generations).
Amicable agreement with the heirs after Hermann Weiß (2021).
The work is free from restitution claims. The offer is made subject to an amicable agreement with the heirs after Hermann Weiß on basis of a fair and just solution.

EXHIBITION: Hans Thoma 1839-1939, Gedächtnisausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 1939, no. 122.
Hans Thoma. Lebensbilder, Augustinermuseum Freiburg im Breisgau, October 2 - December 3, 1989, p. 232, no. 69 (with color illu.).

LITERATURE: Henry Thode, Klassiker der Kunst: Hans Thoma, Stuttgart/Leipzig 1909, p. 179 (with color illu.).
Karl Robert Langewiesche, Hans Thoma. Der liebe Friede, Königstein im Taunus/Leipzig 1927, p. 21 (with color illu.).
Galerie Heinemann, Munich, offer from Hermann Weiß, 1933 and 1937 (manuscript, gallery estate Heinemann - Deutsches Kunstarchiv Nuremberg, file of works on offer, KA-T-147, document-ID: 26956).
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, proof of insurance for K. G. Wambsganß, May 4, 1939, no. 1 (typescript, archive of Kunsthalle Karlsruhe).
Kunsthalle Mannheim, list of artworks from private ownership kept at the Heidelberg Castle, presumably autumn 1943, no. 10 (typescript, Mannheim municipal archive, inventory of Kunsthalle, file "Aufbewahrung von Kunstwerken, Leihgaben von Privaten, Aufbewahrung von Kunstwerken zur Begutachtung, 2012, file 325, pp. 6–8).

Hans Thoma
Flora, 1882.
Oil on paper, laid on canvas
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( frais d'adjudication compris)