Vente: 464 / Rare Books 28 mai 2018 à Hambourg Lot 8

Giralomo Mercurialis
De arte gymnastica, 1577.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 800 / $ 880

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Giralomo Mercuriale
De arte gymnastica, libri sex. Paris, J. de Puys 1577.

"This is one of the earliest books to discuss the therapeutic value of gymnastics and sports generally for the cure of disease and disability" (Garrison/Morton).

Die bedeutendste und bekannteste Arbeit des italienischen Mediziners Hieronymus Mercurialis (1530-1606), der sich als einer der ersten mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Sport und körperlicher und geistiger Gesundheit beschäftigte. - Schöner Pariser Nachdruck der erstmals illustrierten "secunda editione", die 1573 bei Giunta erschien. Die interessanten ganzseitigen Holzschnitte zeigen Sportarten wie Boxen, Kugelstoßen, Diskuswerfen, Ringen, Schwimmen u. a.
"Mercuriale is, however, best remebered for his classic work on gymnastics, the first book on exercise and health, first published in 1569 (without illustrations) dedicated to Cardinal Farnese. The second edition (1573), dedicated to Maximilian II, is the first illustrated book on gymnastics, written not as a medical textbook in technical language but in a colloquial, informal style for 'all people interested in health'; the text examines in extensive detail the principles and rules of exercise. It is also a history of the attitudes and practices of the Greeks and Romans in regard to diet, hygiene, bathing, and exercise, and their effects on health and disease. Mercuriale quotes more than 120 works from Greek and Roman authors. He was 'particularly interested in how specific exercises affected specific diseases. He was one of the first therapists to suggest that exercise can be helpful or harmful depending on its use, duration, and intensity. On the basis of research, he recommends or prohibits physical activities, describes them in detail, suggests proper equipment, and outlines training schedules and techniques.' " (Lownes Coll., zitiert nach Kinetic Jottings)

EINBAND: Zeitgenössischer Schweinslederband mit reicher Blind- und Rollenprägung; auf dem Vorderdeckel mit dem Wappen der Stadt Straßburg, der Rückendeckel zeigt ein Porträt von Christoph Herzog zu Württemberg (Haebler I, 446). Kl.-4to. 23,5 : 17,5 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 22 (21 ganzseitigen) Textholzschnitten und 1 Falttafel. - ZUSTAND: Tls. gleichmäßig schwach gebräunt, wenige Bll. gering fleckig. Einbd. gering bestoßen und leicht fleckig, Außengelenk mit Einriß, Schließbänder entfernt. Insgesamt gutes dekoratives Exemplar der klassischen Monographie.

LITERATUR: Adams M 1321. - BM STC, French Books S. 322. - Durling 3089. - Wellcome 4225. - Kinetic Jottings S. 24.

"This is one of the earliest books to discuss the therapeutic value of gymnastics and sports generally for the cure of disease and disability" (Garrison/Morton). - Parisian reprint of the second edition by Giunta of this eminent work on gymnastics and health. With 22 (21 fullpage) woodcuts and a folding plan. Contemp. pigskin richly blind-tooled, front board with coat-of-arms of Strassbourg, rear board with portrait of Christoph Herzog zu Württemberg. - Even slight browning in places, few leaves slightly stained. Binding a bit stained and bumped, front joint with tear.

Giralomo Mercurialis
De arte gymnastica, 1577.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 800 / $ 880

( frais d'adjudication compris)