Vente: 22 / Online Sale 11 juin 2023 Lot 122001969

Georg Karl Pfahler
Fra Firenze (G) Nr. VIII a, 1987.
Acrylic on canvas
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 19,050 / $ 20,955

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Fra Firenze (G) Nr. VIII a. 1987.
Acrylic on canvas.
Signed, dated, titled and inscribed with information on the material and the dimensions on the reverse. There also inscribed "Galerie Neuendorf Frankfurt 1992", "Pécz Ungarn 1991", "BO28 (2002)" and "Forum Düsseldorf 1990" by a hand other than that of the artist. 200 x 200 cm (78.7 x 78.7 in).

• Composition with rich contrast and of a striking presence and intensity.
• Form, color and space remained key parameters Pfahler's art throughout his life - the series "Fra Firenze" is a particularly fine example thereof.
• Georg Karl Pfahler was one of the first representatives of Hard-Edge painting in Europe

We are grateful to Mr Florian Pfahler for his kind support in cataloging this lot. It will be included into the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of paitnings.

PROVENANCE: Privatsammlung Berlin (direkt vom Künstler erworben).

EXHIBITION: Janus Pannonicus Museum, Pécs, Hungary, September 1 - October 6, 1991 (with a not on the reverse).
Galerie Neuendorf, Frankfurt a. Main, September 26 - November 30, 1992 (with a note on the reverse).

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Georg Karl Pfahler
Fra Firenze (G) Nr. VIII a, 1987.
Acrylic on canvas
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 19,050 / $ 20,955

( frais d'adjudication compris)