Vente: 391 / Rare Books 21 mai 2012 à Hambourg Lot 38

Johannes Theodor de Bry - Ziegler, Ph., America. 1617.

Johannes Theodor de Bry
Ziegler, Ph., America. 1617.
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 25,200 / $ 27,720

( frais d'adjudication compris)
De Bry. - Ziegler, Ph., America, Das ist, Erfindung und Offenbahrung der Newen Welt, deroselbigen Völcker Gestalt, Sitten, Gebräuch, Policey und Gottesdienst, in dreyßig vornemste Schifffahrten kürztlich unnd ordentlich zusammengefaßet und mit seinen Marginalien unnd Register erkläret. With 2 coppeer titles, engr. coat of arms in text, 4 folding copper maps and 127 coppers in the text (of 134; 1 fullpage). Frankfurt, N. Hoffmann for J. Th. de Bry 1617. Contemp. half calf (defective). Small folio. 6 (of 8) ll., 427 (of 433) pp., 4 ll. (lacking last blank).

VD17 23:232405Q. - Sabin III, 59. - Carter Brown Libr. II, 123. - Alden/Landis 617/33. - Wüthrich III, 293. - Only edition of the German compendium of De Bry's Great Journeys. Extremely rare copy with 4 America maps. - The exact number of maps unknown. Most bibliographies only contain general information on the illustrations; Wüthrich mentions a collation, however, he only calls for 3 maps of America, Virginia and the Magellan strait with note "mostly lacking". - At hand: Occidentalis Americae partis 1594 (after G. Benzoni; Burden 83, not mentioned in Wüthrich; shows Florida and the West Indies). - Hispaniae novae sive magnae 1595. (not mentioned in Wüthrich; shows Mexico). - America sive novus orbis 1596 (mostly after P. Plancius; Burden 91; hemisphere with North and South America). - Americae pars, nunc Virginia (after J. White; Burden 76, 2nd state: "Theodore de Bry's map of Virginia is one of the most significant cartographic milestones in colonial North American history. It was the most accurate map drawn in the sixteenth century of any part of that continent."). - Lacking, besides text coppers also the portrait text copper (not mentioned in Wüthrich's collation either). - Somewhat browned and stained in places, copper title cut out and mounted, these four folded maps all in all creased and with small water stain at bottom, map of West Indies with broadly rebacked narrow defective spot in folding, maps of Virginia and Mexico with broadly rebacked split affecting image, continent map irregularly trimmed in lower margin beyond bordering line and remargined. Binding defective. decent copy of this rare travelogue.

Johannes Theodor de Bry
Ziegler, Ph., America. 1617.
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 25,200 / $ 27,720

( frais d'adjudication compris)