Vente: 403 / Modern Art 19 avril 2013 à Munich Lot 104

Heinrich Campendonk
Cassius und Florentius. Original-Ausführungskarton für das Glasfenster in der Krypta des Bonner Münsters, 1930.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Cassius und Florentius. Original-Ausführungskarton für das Glasfenster in der Krypta des Bonner Münsters. 1930/31.
Mixed media withGouache, watercolors and India ink drawing over pencil.
Cf. Engels 12. On brown cardboard with collage, laid on canvas at a later point. 148,5 x 75 cm (58,4 x 29,5 in).
The work served as model for the company Derix in Kevelaer, which executed the glass windows.

We are grateful to Peter Derix, studio for glass painting, mosaics and restorations, Kevelaer, for his kind support in cataloging this lot.

LITERATURE: Cf. Paul Wember, Heinrich Campendonk, Krefeld 1960, p. 63 (illu. 11, description and illu. of glass window).
Cf. Heinrich Campendonk - Josef Strater - Kirchenfenster im Bonner Münster, vol. 22 of series of wrtings published by August Macke Haus, Bonn, 1997, p. 24 (illu ogf glass window).
Cf. ex. cat. Heinrich Campendonk. Die zweite Lebenshälfte eines Blauen Reiters, Foundation Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau and Cobra Museum voor moderne kunst, Amstelveen 2001/2002, p. 22, cat. 4 (illu of glass window).

The windows that damaged in World War II were renewed after the gouaches on cardboard, which had survived the war. Campendonk, who had already been occupied with windows for a longer time, received commissions for window panes in the early thirties. At first he made works such as this one, which would then help the craftsmen to make the windows. The work’s statuary element is owed to the fact that it is a commission. The effect of glass windows is first and foremost caused by the light illuminating the windows. The designs are geared at this effect. By avoiding detailed drawings, the composition is arranged in larger color fields connected with lead bars in order top maintain static balance. Thus a charming contrast of a lucent transparency, caused by the glass, and an almost graphic basic grid in form of the lead bars. Campendonk, who had abandoned the pictorial as early as in the 1920s, turning to a more ornamental –graphic style, seemed to be just the right artist for a task like this. [KD].

Heinrich Campendonk
Cassius und Florentius. Original-Ausführungskarton für das Glasfenster in der Krypta des Bonner Münsters, 1930.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

( frais d'adjudication compris)