Vente: 527 / Art of the 19th Century 11 juin 2022 à Munich Lot 333

Charles-François Daubigny
Bords de l'Oise, Temps d´Orage, 1872.
Oil on canvas
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Bords de l'Oise, Temps d´Orage. 1872.
Oil on canvas.
Hellebranth 381. Lower right signed and dated. Verso with several labels, there inscribed and numbered. 38 x 67 cm (14.9 x 26.3 in).

PROVENANCE: Collection Alfred-Emmanuel Beurdeley (1847-1919), Paris (until 1920, verso with the label).
Private collection France.
Private collection Baden-Württemberg (acquired in 1980).

EXHIBITION: Exposition centennale de l'Art français, Institut français, St. Petersburg, March 1912, no. 232.
Daubigny, Galerie Barbizon, Paris, March 1971, no. 2753 (with the label).

LITERATURE: Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, Collection de M. A. Beurdeley. Tableaux modernes, tableaux anciens. Sculptures, tapisseries anciennes [..], auction May 6-7, 1920, lot 27 (with the label).

Charles-François Daubigny
Bords de l'Oise, Temps d´Orage, 1872.
Oil on canvas
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( frais d'adjudication compris)