Vente: 379 / Rare Books 23 mai 2011 à Hambourg Lot 21

Johannes Aventinus - Des hochgelehrten Chronica (1). 1580

Johannes Aventinus
Des hochgelehrten Chronica (1). 1580
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,400 / $ 2,640

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Aventinus, Joh., Chronica, Darinn nicht allein deß gar alten hauß Beyern .. Herkommen, Stam(m) und Geschichte, sondern auch der uralten Teutschen Ursprung, Herkommen, Sitten, Gebräuch, Religion, Mannliche und treffliche Thaten .. beschrieben .. Durch N. Cisner in Druck gegeben, und mit nützlichen Glossen illustriert worden. With woodcut printer's device on title, 2 broad figurative woodcut borders on the subtitles, 1 armorial woodcut, 13 portrait woodcuts and 4 (1 fullpage) woodcuts in the text, all by Jost Amman . Frankfurt, Joh. und S. Feyerabend 1580. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards on five raised bands, with rich blind- and rolltooling. Folio. 24 non-numb. ll. (the last blank), 424 numb. ll., 26 non-numb. ll.

VD 16, T 2321. - BM STC, German Books p. 861. - Becker, Amman p. 96, 26. - Not recorded by Adams. - Second edition (increased by the splendid Genesis woodcut), which is based on Aventinus' own popular translation revised by the jurist N. Cisner. "Als literarisches Denkmal ist die Chronik von höchstem Wert. In einer an die Kraft Lutthers erinnernden ausdrucksreichen Sprache hat A. darin mehr eine deutsche als eine bayer. Geschichte geschrieben. Durch sie, die einem Goethe warmes Lob abgerungen hat, ist er einer der Wegbereiter deutschen Nationalgefühls geworden." [transl.:"The chronic is of a high value regarding its literary importance. With a powerful language, similar to that of Luther, A. wrote a history of Germany rather than merely of Bavaria. Thus, having been highly praised by Goethe, he became one of the precursors of German nationalism ."] (NDB I, 469) - The splendid woodcuts by Amman show a portrait of Aventin and 12 portraits of the "ersten alten Teutschen Könige und Fürsten" [transl.:"first old German kings and princes "] from Tuiscon to Charlemagne, also with a full-page woodcut (complete genesis) and battle scenes. The two subtitles with allegoric figures are also quite remarkable. - Slightly stained in places (mainly in the margin) and slightly discolored, first and last 3 ll. with marginal defects, flying endpapers missing; here and there with old marginalia in pencil and color pen. Binding stained, with small defective spot on the edges of the cover, clasps removed. Inside good copy.

Johannes Aventinus
Des hochgelehrten Chronica (1). 1580
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,400 / $ 2,640

( frais d'adjudication compris)