Vente: 555 / 19th Century Art 08 juin 2024 à Munich Lot 314

Carl Spitzweg
Der Maler im Atelier, Um 1860.
Oil on cardboard
€ 20,000 / $ 20,600
€ 25,400 / $ 26,162

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Der Maler im Atelier. Um 1860.
Oil on cardboard.
With the facsimile monogram, various handwritten inscriptions and notes of ownership, numbers, fragmentarily preserved labels and stamps of the art supply company Schachinger & Herrmann, Munich, on the reverse. 23.5 x 18.6 cm (9.2 x 7.3 in).

• Rare motif: one of only four known portrait painter variations, one of which is in the most important Spitzweg collection, the Schäfer Collection, Schweinfurt.
• Unique presentation: the only portrait-format version makes the yawning model's face visible.
• As is the case with his famous “Armer Poet”, Spitzweg formulates an ironic commentary on artistic creation

We are grateful to Mr. Detlef Rosenberger, who examined the original work, for his kind support in cataloging this lot.

PROVENANCE: Eugen Spitzweg, nephew of the artist (with the note "Facsimile Monogramm hinzugefügt vom Neffen des Künstlers / Eugen Spitzweg / München" on the reverse).
Ludwigs Galerie, Munich (no later than 1916, until at least October 1933: offered by Galerie Heinemann, Munich).
Possibly Hermann Uhde-Bernays, Starnberg (possibly in January 1934 from the above, there is a photograph with handwritten date "17.1.1934" and a price code "QNTH" in the Uhde-Bernays estate).
Private collection, Southern Germany (in family ownership ca. 1935-2018).
Private collection Baden-Württemberg.
Amicable agreement between the above and the heirs of the owners of the Ludwigs Galerie (2024)

The work is free from restitution claims. The offer is made subject to an amicable agreement with the heirs of Fritz Nathan on the basis of a fair and just solution

EXHIBITION: Carl Spitzweg, Moderne Galerie Thannhauser, from the Ludwigs-Galerie, Munich, September 1916.
Ludwigs-Galerie, Munich, February 1931 and June 1-30, 1931, no. 77.
Anniversary exhibition, Galerie Commeter, Hamburg, September 1931 (from the Ludwigs-Galerie, Munich).
Spitzweg exhibition, Galerie Heinemann, Munich, October 14 - November 12, 1933, no. 18 (from the Ludwigs-Galerie, Munich).

LITERATURE: Siegfried Wichmann, Carl Spitzweg. Verzeichnis der Werke. Gemälde und Aquarelle, Stuttgart 2002, no. 465 (illu.).
Günther Roennefahrt, Carl Spitzweg. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis seiner Gemälde, Ölstudien und Aquarelle, Munich 1960, no. 1409 (illu.).
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Siegfried Wichmann, Carl Spitzweg, Kunst, Kosten und Konflikte, Frankfurt a. Main 1991, Handschriftliches Verkaufsverzeichnis, p. 326: "171 Portraitmaler idem wie No. 169 nur kleiner; Grösse wie Wüste, kleine Nymphe / 1862 Juli 4 Köln 110 Thaler = (192 1/2 fl)".
Hermann Uhde-Bernays, Spitzweg. Reime und Bilder, Munich 1921, illu. 5 ("Der Porträtmaler").
Max von Boehn, Carl Spitzweg, Bielefeld/Leipzig 1920, illu. on p. 60 ("Porträtsitzung").
Fritz von Ostini, Aus Carl Spitzwegs Welt, Barmen 1924, p. 49.
Hans Eckstein, Romantische Malerei in Deutschland und Frankreich, in: Kunst und Künstler, year 29, issue 11, 1931, p. 442.
Nuremberg, German art archive, Heinemann, file of works on offer (
Nuremberg, German art archive, estate of Uhde-Bernays, Hermann, 4 (photograph inscribed with the date January 17, 1934 and a price code).

Carl Spitzweg
Der Maler im Atelier, Um 1860.
Oil on cardboard
€ 20,000 / $ 20,600
€ 25,400 / $ 26,162

( frais d'adjudication compris)